Imagine a flying position that lets you fly upright so you can enjoy your 3D surroundings without having a ballistic fall rate. Image a flying position that gives you the same maneuverability as sit flying for two-way or multi-way points and 3-D relative work, but easier to learn. And imagine a flying position that gives you the capability for smooth and continuous fall rate changes from slow belly-to-earth flying all the way to fast standups. Sound like too much to expect? Well, it’s here, it’s real, and it became the runaway favorite new topic at my various Fun-Flying seminars.
The subject is knee flying, a vertical flying position that lets your legs work for you—to increase your stability and maneuverability in an upright position—instead of against you. The concept is simple, the deviation from a traditional sit flying position only slight, but the results and advantages are dramatic. After getting familiar with the balance and sensations of this new position, you’ll find the maneuverability it gives you makes it great for two-(or more-) way fun flying. The feedback I received when teaching it during seminars, and the fun people were having was terrific, so now I present it to all of you who are seeking a new and interesting way to fly.